All General Church Announcements can be found here

.01 Regular Activity Schedules

Sunday Mass

11:45 hours – Youth Mass (Eng. & Deutsche)

13:00 hours – Holy Mass (Twi)

1st Friday’s of the Month
19:00-23:00 hours – Half Night/Eucharistic Adoration

Other Friday’s
19:00-20:30 hours – Charismatic Prayer Meeting

2nd Saturday’s of the Month
19:00-20:30 hours – Youth Mass

.02 Exclusives

As part of the new measures for Covid-19, we celebrate Sunday Mass both at the Church premises and online.

We are all entreated to wear our nose mask during Mass service to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

However,  Wednesday and Friday Prayer sessions are all conducted  online  and we are all entreated to participate. Times for these activities remain as usual.

You can  see guidelines to joining the live online sessions here

Church Info Team


  1. Mr. Agyen Frimpong
  2. Mrs. Becky Ansah Kpodo